Faith Sharing Group
Together in our Faith Sharing Group, we recognize that God is the center of our lives and He is the One who provides the grace for our change. Together we study the teachings of the Church, explore the lives of the Saints and we share how we live as Catholics on our spiritual journeys. We come to each meeting with an open heart and a questioning mind which deepens our own belief and understanding of God’s love for each one of us. The Faith Sharing Group gives us a chance to slow down in our busy lives, and nourishes the sense of belonging to our parish, and we realize that we need one another to live courageous, faith-filled lives. We meet every Tuesday at 7pm. For more information, contact Fr. John Radwan at (201) 261-0148 x12 or [email protected].

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Is God calling you to something more? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA, formerly RCIA) is an opportunity to learn more about Catholicism. OCIA is open to adults who are interested in becoming Catholic or intend to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church by completing their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Sessions begin in September and continue through the end of the Easter Season. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about OCIA, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you. Please contact Melinda at [email protected] for more information.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), which encompasses the process by which adults formally join the Catholic Church, has recently been revised and will be renamed the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). As described by the Catholic News Agency, “The name change applies both to the process by which one enters the Church and the book that contains the ritual text and prayers for those steps.” The decision to change the name stems from the idea that the Catholic journey is continual; it is a lifelong commitment each catechumen or candidate is making to the Church. In addition, the name change reflects that the process itself is not a single “rite”, but rather includes multiple rites in the process of becoming Catholic. OCIA seeks to support 4 groups on their faith journey: 1) catechumens (unbaptized adults); 2) unbaptized children who have not received sacraments; 3) baptized non-Catholic Christians (Christians who have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation, first Holy Communion, or Confirmation); and 4) baptized Catholics seeking Confirmation. The name change does not alter what we are doing: walking along with people seeking to know Jesus and gain grace through the sacraments, especially the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ truly Present on the altar.

Cornerstone is a parish-sponsored 26-hour retreat that takes place in the Parish Retreat House located behind the church. There are talks, small group discussions, time for prayers and a chance to meet and congregate with wonderful people who are interested in growing in their relationship with the Lord and the Church. The retreat begins on Friday evening at 7pm and ends on Saturday evening at 9pm, following the celebration of Mass at 8pm.
The spiritual director for Women’s Cornerstone and Men’s Cornerstone is Fr. Christian. Please contact Betty at [email protected] for more information about Women’s Cornerstone, or Fred at [email protected] for more information about Men’s Cornerstone.
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Bible Study
The parish sponsors a program of Bible Study based on the Great Adventure Bible as well as other Faith Formation Series from Ascension Press. Small groups of parishioners meet to view and discuss videos on our Catholic faith. Participants grow in their appreciation of the scriptures and in their relationship with God, who speaks to us through his Word. It is also possible to do some of the studies independently or remotely. For more information, please contact Pat at [email protected].
To read an article about bible study, click here.
New bible study groups form each September. In-person studies meet weekly for 90 minutes in the Parish Life Center or Retreat House. Daytime and evening meeting times are available.
*Please note that virtual independent studies are also available from Ascension Press.*
The Society of Saint Lydia at St. Joseph’s Church

We are excited to announce a new chapter of the The Society of Saint Lydia here at St. Joseph’s Church! We invite all Catholic women to join us, as we follow the example of Saint Lydia to live a life of devotion to God and service to the Church.
Our community has small group gatherings and events here at our parish, and at other locations that include days of reflection, workshops, and retreats. In our small group gatherings, we encourage each other through prayer, study, apostolate, sorority, and witness. Together, we gently foster our communities, lead others in the faith, and spread the Gospel.
You may have seen one of us at Mass wearing a silk purple shawl. Please consider this purple shawl an open invitation to ask us about Saint Lydia and our beautiful society. For more information, please email [email protected] or visit our website at thesocietyofsaintlydia.org

Vocation Ministry
While God inspires all vocations, the programs and activities of a parish can invite and encourage individuals to be open to God’s call. Our parish Vocation Ministry seeks to facilitate and assist ministries in every stage of parish life to support and promote vocations through prayer and activities that establish a vocations minded presence among both youths and adults within the parish. Through the prayers and efforts of our parishioners, our parish can encourage more young people to consider the priesthood or religious life or spend more time thinking about the meaning of marriage and thereby help individuals move toward holiness and discern God’s will in their lives. For more information, email [email protected] or [email protected].