As Catholics we believe that God is involved in our world and in our lives. God is not distant and removed from human life. We believe that God touches us in a special way through the Church, especially when the Church gathers in prayer to hear the Word of God in the Scriptures and to witness the action of God in the Sacraments. Here at Saint Joseph Parish, we give special care and attention to the way we proclaim and preach the Word of God and to the way in which we celebrate the Sacraments of the Church. The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders are not things we receive, but rather moments in which God touches us in a special way and continues transforming us into His Holy People, His Holy Church.


The celebration of a child’s baptism is a joyous occasion for that child’s family and for the Church. Baptism celebrates the fact that God loves us so much that God calls us to have a special, personal relationship with Him. A relationship so close that God claims us as His own and gives us the privilege of calling Him “Our Father!” Just as the birth of a child leads parents to reflect on the gift of human life, so the baptism of a child leads parents, and the whole parish, to reflect on this sacrament and what it means to be a part of God’s Church. Please note that according to the practice of the Catholic Church, parents requesting the baptism of their children must be registered members of a parish. Parents, who are not yet registered at Saint Joseph Church, must first become members of the parish before arranging for the baptism of their child. To learn how to become part of our parish and to arrange a baptism date, call the parish office at 201-261-0148.
Adults who have not been baptized, and who wish to become members of the Catholic Church, are invited to become part of a process of spiritual growth and development. This process is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of the Adults. For more information please contact the parish office at [email protected] or call 201-261-0148.

The 2025 Baptism Schedule is as follows:

First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation, also known as First Penance or First Confession, is celebrated when children are in the first semester of second grade. For a child to be enrolled in the preparation program for First Reconciliation, the child must be attending the second grade level of religious instruction and have attended formal religious education classes the previous year. In other words, the child must have participated in the first grade level of religious instruction. Parents share in the responsibility and privilege of preparing their children for First Reconciliation. They do so by working with the materials provided and by the religious example they give their children. First Reconciliation is required before the reception of First Communion. For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 201-261-1144. You can also contact Deacon George Montalvo at [email protected] or our Sacramental Director Arlene Kennedy at [email protected]. Visit the Religious Education website HERE.

First Communion

The reception of First Communion takes place during regularly scheduled Sunday Masses during the Easter Season of second grade. Since Sunday Mass is where Holy Communion is normally received, it is the fitting place where children are admitted to the Eucharist for the first time.
For a child to be enrolled in the preparation program for First Communion, the child must be attending the second grade level of religious instruction and have attended formal religious education classes the previous year. In other words, the child must have participated in the first grade level of religious instruction. First Reconciliation, also known as First Penance, is required before the reception of First Communion.
Parents share in the responsibility and privilege of preparing their children for First Communion. They do so by working with the materials provided and by the religious example they give their children, in particular, the example of their participation in Sunday Mass. or more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 201-261-1144. You can also contact Deacon George Montalvo at [email protected] or our Sacramental Director Arlene Kennedy at [email protected]. Visit the Religious Education website HERE.


The Sacrament of Confirmation, which completes the Sacraments of Initiation, is received in the ninth grade, the first year of high school. A continuous progression of religious education classes is required for acceptance into our parish Confirmation Program. Those preparing for Confirmation are also expected to attend a weekend retreat. Teenagers requesting Confirmation, who have not continuously attended religious education classes, will be required to attend make-up sessions for all missed grade levels. For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 201-261-1144. You can also contact Deacon George Montalvo at [email protected] or our Sacramental Director Arlene Kennedy at [email protected]. Visit the Religious Education website HERE.


Saint Joseph Parish prides itself on the care and attention it gives to couples contemplating marriage. Couples taking this most important step in life are helped to deepen their relationship with one another, to strengthen their communication skills, to grow in their understanding of married life, and to strengthen their relationship with Christ and His Church. Marriages should be scheduled at least 12 months in advance, allowing the couple time to prepare for their marriage at a more relaxed pace. Those who would like more information about celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at our parish should contact one of the parish priests.

Anointing of the Sick

Members of the parish who are seriously ill, or planning to undergo surgery, are encouraged to receive the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament, which consists of prayers for healing, the laying on of hands, and the anointing with holy oil, seeks God’s healing power for the sick. For more information, please contact the parish office.