Your life is a journey;
travel with a deep consciousness of God.


Cornerstone may have been the first experience that started your spiritual curiosity and provided a life-changing gift of faith through prayer, community, and spiritual growth. Our Mission is to continue that Journey through faith and allow the Holy Spirit to reawaken our hearts to His call and dive deeper into our relationship with God. This next step will allow us to know the joy of His love and continue with our outreach in our parish. On this Journey, we will explore our rich, Christian faith through Adoration, Reflections, Retreats, and Service to our St. Joseph’s Community.

Coming in 2024, we will host our first Women’s Journey Weekend, a retreat held here at our parish for our Cornerstone sisters. The weekend consists of faith sharing and spiritual growth to awaken the presence of God in our lives. It challenges you to continue to grow in your relationship with God through personal talks, group sharing, prayer, and the Sacraments. 

Please return HERE in the coming weeks for details and for access to the application form for the 2024 retreat. Please note that space is limited and registration will close as soon as capacity is reached.

For more information, please contact Teresa at [email protected].