To access the liturgical ministries sign-up form,
click on:

Altar Servers
Altar Servers perform a very important and much needed role of assisting in liturgical services of the church so that the priest can focus on leading everyone present through the Word, prayer and the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist of the Mass. Adult Servers are of college age and above, Teen Servers are of high school age and Youth Servers are any student of St. Joseph School or any CCD student, in grades 4 through 8, who have already received the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Interested adults should contact [email protected]. For more information about Youth/Teen servers, email [email protected].
A registration form is here:
The upcoming Adult Altar Server schedule:

Lay Ministers proclaim the scripture readings at Mass. They also announce the petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful or general intercessions. Training is provided. Contact [email protected] for more information.
The latest schedule is below:

Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers serve the parish by assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They are called upon to distribute the consecrated host, the Body of Christ or the consecrated blood, the Blood of Christ to their fellow parishioners. Those who wish to serve in this ministry are required to attend a workshop and training session in the parish after which the candidates will be mandated for this ministry by the Archbishop of Newark. Those who serve in this ministry must have a love, reverence and devotion for the Eucharist, as well as, a love and reverence for their fellow parishioners who make up the Church, the living Body of Christ. Anyone interested in this wonderful and fulfilling ministry should contact [email protected].
Below is the upcoming schedule:

Ministers greet people as they come together for Mass and other liturgical services. They recognize those gathering as their brothers and sisters in Christ. They also assist in the collection of the gifts, guide communion processions, and distribute bulletins and other periodicals. Contact Mike at [email protected] for more information.

Art & Environment
Art & Environment Ministers assist in enhancing the appearance of the church including the worship space. They decorate for the different liturgical seasons, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. Members also care for the plants during the week and throughout the year to keep our worship space looking beautiful. Contact [email protected] for more information.

The Music Ministry is made up of lay ministers to enhance the worship experience by leading the parish in sung prayer and giving glory to God. In addition to Sunday Mass, music is also an integral part of Weddings, Baptisms, Confirmations, First Communions, Funerals and the newly formed Youth Ministry. There is an Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, as well as several talented instrumentalists, and Leaders of Song. The choir is open to adults (ages 18 & up) or Children (grades 3-8). The children’s Choir is open to all children including Public School children. For more information, contact [email protected].

Sacristan/Veronica’s Veil
The Sacristan is the lay minister responsible for making sure that all the sacred vessels needed during the Mass are appropriately set out before the start of our liturgical services. Veronica’s Veil is a group of faithful parishioners who launder the altar linens used in the Mass. For more information, contact [email protected].