We invite any adult volunteer (age 18+) who has not completed a volunteer packet which includes the Archdiocesan requirements of Protecting God’s Children, the authorization of a background check, and the signing of the Code of Conduct, to please do so. Compliance with these requirements is necessary for any adult volunteering at St. Joseph’s and is mandated by the Archdiocese of Newark. with any questions.
Also, if you would like to volunteer for any of the many ministries that we have at St. Joe’s, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Your kindness and gift of time is what helps to make our parish the welcoming home it is for our parishioners and visitors. We are very grateful to all who share their gifts with our community.
To access the Liturgical Ministry Sign-Up form, click HERE:
To access the parish facility request form, click HERE: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)