Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary, founded in Ireland in 1921 by Frank Duff, is the largest lay Catholic group in the world. Our parish group, called the Immaculate Conception Praesidium, meets weekly from 9:00 through 10:30 AM in the Jackson room of Mary’s Chapel in the lower Church.
Members grow in their faith through prayer and active cooperation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. They participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, consolation of the sick and activities that promote conversation and the preservation of the faith.
All parishioners are invited to join the Legion after the 8:30 AM Mass on the second Saturday of the month, which includes praying the rosary and a short reflection on a Marian theme.
Everyone is invited to pray the rosary with the Legion after the 8:30 AM daily Mass on Monday through Saturday and on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in Mary’s Chapel. In addition, members encourage parishioners to welcome a Pilgrim statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their homes for a one week period.
We also welcome our parish youth in grades 5-8 to participate in the Junior Legion of Mary. Our local group is called the Holy Mary Queen of Angels Praesidium. Meetings are held weekly for one hour. Activities may include visiting nursing homes, altar serving, assisting at CCD and guiding our young school children in their Rosary Club.
For more information, email [email protected].

Centering Prayer
Centering prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, in which we receive God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God, a silent prayer, and is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him. For more information, email [email protected].
Prison Ministry
Houses of Healing is a program that guides prisoners in taking stock of the life experiences that have propelled them into criminal activity while empowering them to take responsibility for their behavior. These broad tasks are approached in a variety of ways that include helping participants create meaningful narratives of their lives, working towards healing experiences of trauma and learning emotional regulation and meditation. This is a rewarding ministry. For more information, email [email protected].

Prayer Warriors
“Prayer Warriors” is a military family prayer group. We meet on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month in the Retreat House chapel. Let us gather together and lift up our active duty for military personnel in prayer and strength. Together let’s bring our needs before the Lord and support each other in this challenging walk of faith. For more information, contact Donna at 201-280-6802.