Saint Joseph Care Corner (SJCC), located in the basement of the Parish Retreat House, provides “Helping Hands for Health and Home” to organizations that require essential household and personal care items not covered by food stamps. Items include: laundry detergent, paper towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, diapers, etc. During the year we collect, stock the SJCC, and distribute. We are always in need of volunteers
to work with the surrounding communities to get the word out!
A few years ago I attended a fundraiser for an organization called “Connect For Community” in Sussex County. My friend is a volunteer there and explained to me how they were providing many people in the area with basic needs, not only food, but basic healthcare items. My idea was to start a small pantry at Saint Joseph’s which would donate to local groups and supply items that can’t be purchased with Food Stamps – diapers, laundry detergent, personal toiletries, etc. I approached Msgr. Hubba with my idea and we started to look for a location on the parish grounds. The retreat house has a small room with a basement entrance that wasn’t in use. It needed some TLC and shelving which my husband provided. Now we had a room but needed to get it stocked. When our parish, local schools and organizations answered the call, the SJCC was born! Those who donate are: St. Joseph Parishioners, St. Joseph School, St. Joseph School Beta Club, St. Joseph CCD Students and Confirmation Candidates, St. Joseph Youth Ministry and FUEL – Young Adults, Academy of the Holy Angels, Immaculate Heart Academy, Bergen Catholic, Oradell-Emerson Rotary Club, Oradell Outreach Committee, Oradell Girl Scouts, and the Carroll Family Foundation.
We opened the Saint Joseph Care Corner (SJCC) in October of 2019 and have been fully operational throughout the pandemic. Organizations who we currently assist are: Franciscan Community Development Center in Fairview, CAFS – Children’s Aid and Family Services in Paramus, Mercy House – Newark, Center
for Hope and Safety – Rochelle Park, Catholic Charities in Cranford, New Hope in Westwood, Bergen County Housing Health and Human Services in Hackensack, and Most Blessed Sacrament Friary in Newark. For the past 3 years we have been able to provide and answer the call thanks to the parish and the organizations that have supported us. The need is even greater now.

We are blessed in this area of the state in many ways, but there are many who are still struggling and the SJCC continues to assist our local residents. Please continue to drop off your donations of non-food items in the bin marked “SJCC” outside the entrance to the Care Corner on Grand Street behind the church. You are making a tremendous difference in many lives. The parish community is truly living the words from Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind”.
For additional information or questions please contact Peg Kohli – [email protected]