To submit photos, please contact Melinda at [email protected].

The relic which visited Saint Joseph’s
Close-up of the relic (hair)
Saint Joseph’s Youth Ministry hosted a relic of Blessed Carlos Acutis, who will be canonized as the first “millennial” saint on April 27 during the Jubilee of Teenagers in Rome. (March 2025)
The “Miracles of the Eucharist” exhibit was prepared by Blessed Carlos Acutis. The Youth Ministry displayed the placards in the Parish Life Center on Grove Street, allowing parishioners and others in the area to learn more about 100+ recognized Eucharistic Miracles which occurred over the centuries in various countries,

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Upper Church. The Miraculous Medal Novena takes place every Monday at 7pm, usually in Mary’s Chapel. (Mar. 2025)
Pam Lawler, who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil, was presented with the Creed following the first Scrutiny, which takes place on the 3rd Sunday of Lent. L-R is Father Christian, Sarah Lawler, Pam Lawler, Jim Lawler, Melinda Rabbia (OCIA Team and sponsor), and Fred Fakharzadeh (OCIA Team). Please continue to pray for Pam on her faith journey! (Mar. 2025)

Confirmation Retreat (Mar. 2025)
9th graders on Confirmation Retreat #2- keep praying for all of them! (mar. 2025)
Glenn and Janice Schneider, along with Arlene Kennedy and the Confirmation Team, have been conducting retreats for the 9th graders preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in May. (Mar. 2025)

St. Joseph’s sent a catechumen (Pam Lawler) to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart for the Rite of Election. Pam will be baptized at the Easter Vigil at St. Joseph’s. (L-R: Father Christian, Pam Lawler, Jim Lawler, Sarah Lawler, Melinda Rabbia) (Mar. 2025)
Fred Fakharzadeh (OCIA Team) carrying the Book of the Elect, Pam Lawler (the Elect), Melinda Rabbia (OCIA Team, Pam’s sponsor), and Father Christian
The Rite of Election was celebrated by Cardinal Tobin (Mar. 2025)

St Joseph’s sent Candidates to the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart for the Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion: (L-R) Jasmin’s sponsor Emily, Candidate Jasmin LePage, Candidate Cynthia Olouasa, CJ’s sponsor Pat Crane, Candidate CJ Lang, OCIA Team member Roy Williams, Candidate Nicole Higman, OCIA Director and Guadalupe’s sponsor Melinda Rabbia, Maria Guadalupe Pizarro Esquivel, and Deacon George Montalvo (Mar. 2025)
Cardinal Tobin greeting Emma, the daughter of one of our Candidates, Maria Guadalupe Pizarro Esquivel

Men’s Cornerstone hosted a Coffee Hour after masses in the Parish Retreat House behind the church.

FUEL and YM held a special Eucharistic Adoration evening (Feb. 2025)

The teens who have been preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in May went on a retreat to help them strengthen their faith and grow closer to Jesus. (Feb. 2025)
Long-time parishioners greeted Fr. Peter Palmisano, who served as a parochial vicar at our parish for several years until 1999. (Feb. 2025)
Baptisms of Anne Kelly Linnane and Luke Thomas Mulrooney (Feb. 2025)

Our parish Religious Education students collected non-perishable items to help stock the Saint Joseph Care Corner, which helps local organizations that are in need. If you can help, too, please drop diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, paper supplies, cleaning supplies, and toiletries in the bin marked “SJCC” on Grand Street. (Feb. 2025)
Nannina Santomauro of Cadette Girl Scout Troop #97200 collected products and monetary donations for her Girl Scout Silver Award project. The funds were used to purchase many cartons of pull-ups and diapers, the #1 item requested by the organizations the SJCC supports. The SJCC is grateful for the support of our local Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. (Feb. 2025)

SJS students celebrated the 100th day of school. (Feb. 2025)
Catholic Schools Week (Jan. 2025)

Cardinal Tobin celebrated the Rite of Admission to Candidacy (at St. John the Evangelist in Bergenfield) for men studying to be permanent Deacons in the Archdiocese. Our own parishioners Sal Shareef and Francisco Casado are now admitted to Candidacy for the Order of Diaconate and are looking to be ordained in May 2028. (Jan. 2025)
Here are the 22 men in the Archdiocesan English language program seeking to become permanent Deacons, including our own parishioner Sal Shareef, 10th from the left.
The Archdiocese has 11 men studying to be permanent Deacons in the Spanish-language program. Parishioner Francisco Casado is third from right in this photo. (Jan 2025)
Recessional included all the deacons

The parish held a beautiful Christmas concert courtesy of Monroe Quinn (our Music Director), the parish adult choir, the parish children’s choir, talented musicians (Rich Leavy, Alan Quinn, Jose Rodriguez, Robbie Wilson), and terrific cantors (Ivana Joy Kunc, Josephine Peacock, Julie Peacock, Beverly O’Regan Thiele). Monroe premiered a few arrangements at the wonderful event. (January 2025)
Monroe Quinn with Josephine Peacock, Ivana Joy Kunc, and Beverly O’Regan Thiele
Everyone loved hearing the children’s choir! (Jan. 2025)
Monroe Quinn with cantor Ivana Joy Kunc
Josephine Peacock and Julie Peacock

Father Christian gave the invocation at Oradell’s first municipal meeting of the year, in which parishioner Tom Kelly was sworn in as a councilman (Jan. 2025)
Former assemblyman Pat Schuber (parishioner) swore in parishioner Tom Kelly as a councilman of Oradell (Jan. 2025)
Many thanks to the Saint Joseph School community for donating many needed items to the Saint Joseph Care Corner. Please drop non-perishable items in the bin marked “SJCC” on Grand Street and lend a hand to those in need! (Jan. 2025)

Our interior nativity
Monroe Quinn (Music Director), Ivana Joy Kunc (cantor), Noyes “Bart” Bartholomew (trumpet), and Rich Leavy (drums) beautified our Christmas celebration (Dec. 2024)
Monroe Quinn, Music Director
Monroe Quinn, Music Director
St. Joe’s at Christmas

Congratulations to Delilah Recio on receiving the 2024 Youth Recognition award from the Archdiocese of Newark. Congratulations also to William Smith! (Dec. 2024)
The Youth Ministry had a fun Christmas party. (Dec. 2024)
The Youth Ministry blessed their nativity set. (Dec. 2024)
Father Christian blessed 4 new chalices donated by parishioners (Dec. 2024)

Fr. John blessed the Advent wreaths in the St. Joseph Lower and Upper Schools. (Dec. 2024)
The students participated in the Nativity Pageant
and performed in the Christmas Concert. (Dec. 2024)
The Grinch popped into the St. Joseph School classrooms,
and watched the students shop at Santa’s Workshop. (Dec. 2024)

Fr. Christian offered an Advent Day of Reflection for all those in liturgical ministry (Dec. 2024)

Thanks for your generous donations of food, non-perishable items, and monetary donations for the parish’s annual Thanksgiving Food Drive!
Thanksgiving Food drive coordinator Felecia Braun (far left) with volunteers (Nov. 2024)
Many parish volunteers accepted the donations before and after every mass and helped load the donations into all the cars and trucks. (Nov. 2024)
Non-perishable donations collected at the Thanksgiving Food Drive were sent to our own St. Joseph Care Corner (SJCC).
Food donations, which filled the rectory garage, were sent to the food pantries at the Church of the Ascension in New Milford and the Fr. English Food Pantry of Catholic Charities. (Nob. 2024)
In addition, Oradell Girl Scout Troop 97957 visited the Saint Joseph Care Corner (SJCC) and brought a large donation of items. The girls learned about the mission of the SJCC and helped stock the donations. The SJCC accepts donations of non-perishable items (diapers, wipes, detergent, paper and cleaning supplies, toiletries). Please drop them in the bin marked “SJCC” on Grand Street. (Nov. 2024)

Neil Neubert (veteran Adult Choir member and also an Adult Server and Eucharistic Minister) recently celebrated his 85th birthday at a choir rehearsal (Nov. 2024)

The Saint Joseph’s Young Adult Ministry group, FUEL, held a Friendsgiving event following a special Mass (Nov. 2024)
Fr. John from our parish with Fr. Vincent and Fr. Johan from Our Lady of Mercy parish

St. Joseph Youth Ministry and FUEL (our young adult ministry) supplied over 30 Christmas presents to Sr. Rosa and Sr. Elizabeth for children in Harlem. The ministries also provided hats, gloves, and coats for homeless people. (Dec. 2024)
Members of the Saint Joseph Children’s Choir lifted their voices in song to the delight of parishioners. (Nov. 2024)
Ellen Solinas and the SJ Youth Ministry prepared tags for our Giving Tree. They are pictured here with one of the cochairs of the Giving Tree committee. (Nov. 2024)

Fr. Christian’s Installation Mass (Oct. 20, 2024)

Members of the Oradell Fire Dept. visited Saint Joseph (Lower School) to talk all about fire safety.
The students loved exploring the fire truck and seeing all of the different tools firefighters use. (Oct. 2024)
The students of Tom McCloskey’s classes at Bergen Catholic HS collected toiletries and paper supplies for the SJCC. The local organizations that we help are always looking for these items. Please drop them in the bin marked “SJCC” on Grand Street. (October 2024)

Father Christian with his parents before the Mass of Installation of Pastor (Oct. 2024)
Members of the youth ministry distributed programs
Parish Council Pres. Roy Williams welcomed Bishop Saporito to our parish
Fr. Sam Citero read from Cardinal Tobin’s Letter of Appointment
Betty Kern read the 1st reading
Sharon Murdock read the 2nd reading
Deacon George proclaimed the gospel
Presentation of the Parish Clergy and Staff
Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Knights of Columbus at the recession
Fr. John at the recession
Members of the Music Ministry, including the Adult Choir, cantors (Josephine Peacock, Beverly Thiele, Ivana Joy Kunc), Noyes Bartholomew (Trumpet), Rich Leavy (Percussion) and Karen Bartholomew (Organ)
Music Director Monroe Quinn provided a beautiful program for the Mass for Fr. Christian
Altar servers in the procession
Presentation of the Pastoral Council and Finance Council
Fr. Christian’s family served as giftbearers
Fr. Christian’s family served as giftbearers
Final blessing
The Knights of Columbus and lectors in the procession
Deacon George, Fr. Christian, and Bishop Saporito in the procession
Bishop Saporito celebrated the Mass installing Fr. Christian as pastor of our parish (Oct. 2024)
Presentation of the Parish Trustees
Profession of Faith and Oath
Fr. Christian addressed the assembly

At the Celebration following the Mass in which Fr. Christian was installed as our pastor (Oct. 2024)
Carleen Wagner, our bulletin editor
The Petrella family
Parishioners has the opportunity to sign a memory book for Fr. Christian
Monroe Quinn, our Music Director
SJ Youth Ministry members
Dave and MaryFrances Bednarcik

The SJ Youth Ministry expressed excitement about Fr. Christian’s installation as pastor (Oct. 2024)
The parish prepared a celebration (Oct. 2024)

The Legion of Mary organized a procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima (Oct. 2024)
the Statue of Our lady of Fatima which led the procession

Saint Joseph’s parish has been sponsoring a “Ministry Fair” over several weeks to allow parishioners to learn more about how they can get more involved in the parish community and deepen their faith. 
These photos show parishioners of 3 of the many ministries represented over time: Respect Life, Social Concerns (Food Drives, Harrison House, Eva’s Village), and Bible Study. pictured L-R: the Casado family, Rita Walker, Father Christian, Jim Reilly, Father John, and Pat Fakharzadeh. (Oct. 2024)
Melinda Rabbia, Jeff Braun, Mary Frances Bednarcik, David Bednarcik, Pat Fakharzadeh, and Connie Vincenti represented Respect Life, Social Concerns (Food Drives, Harrison House, Eva’s Village), and Bible Study at the Saint Joseph Ministry Fair. (Oct. 2024)
Fr. John at the Ministry Fair at St. Joseph’s featuring FUEL (Charles Beltran), the Youth group (Ellen Solinas), Cornerstone (Fred Fakharzadeh and Betty Kern), and the St. Lydia Society (Teresa Glenn). (Oct. 2024)
Parishioners came to pray throughout the day before the Blessed Sacrament for the Eucharistic Congress (Oct. 2024)
SJ Youth Ministry participated in the Eucharistic Congress by praying the rosary (Oct. 2024)
It was a beautiful day and a great turnout for the annual
Blessing of the Pets by Fr. John in honor of St. Francis of Assisi (Oct. 2024)
We mourn the passing of Joan F. Murray, not only for her active participation in the parish, but for the way she lived the gospel and the pure, sweet joy and peace that emanated from her. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. Please click here for her obituary.

Parishioner Barbara Mezzina, Executive Director of New Hope PRC, addressed guests at the annual gala New Hope aids young women facing unplanned pregnancies. (Oct. 2024)
Some of the many St. Joe’s parishioners at the New Hope gala: Fred Barbara and Barbara Mezzina, Angela and Mike Smith, Barbara Vincent, and Stella and Larry Martinez. (Oct. 2024)
Cyndi and Dan Young with baskets at the New Hope gala (Oct. 2024)

Cardinal Tobin celebrated the Mass for Life at the Cathedral of St. Mary Assumption in Trenton (Sept. 2024)
Bishop O’Connell gave a moving homily at the Mass for Life at the cathedral in Trenton (Sept. 2024)
St. Joseph’s Respect Life joined with St. Peter’s Respect Life to attend the Mass for Life (Sept. 2024)
Priests from 6 different dioceses concelebrated the Mass for Life (Sept. 2024)
Cheryl Riley, the Director of Respect Life at the Archdiocese of Newark with members of Respect Life of St. Joseph’s and St. Peter’s
Christine Flaherty of LIFENET at the Rally for Life at the State capitol following the Mass for Life

Lucas Recio (Parish Pastoral Council and Youth Ministry Volunteer) with Cardinal Tobin at the Archdiocese Youth Ministry Leader appreciation dinner (Sept. 2024)
New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center volunteers spoke at all the Masses during the weekend of 10/12-10/13 to conclude the Spiritual Adoption Journey sponsored by our Saint Joseph’s Respect Life Committee, asking for prayers and financial aid. New Hope PRC provides help for first-time single moms faced with unplanned pregnancies. A few members of our Respect Life Committee are pictured (Connie Vincenti, Melinda Rabbia, and David Bednarcik) along with two volunteers from New Hope (Sunday Ruvolo, Mare DiPaolo).  (Oct. 2024)

The SJ Youth Ministry had the opportunity to hear the testimony of two young CFR sisters, and they had a great discussion about vocations. (Sept. 2024)
Sr. Rosa is an old friend of Bryan’s and they enjoyed catching up!

Father Christian is pictured here with two parishioners at the Annual FUEL Fall Ball at Macaluso’s in Hawthorne. FUEL is St. Joseph’s group for Catholic adults, ages 21-35. (September 2024)
A wonderful time was had by all at the Annual FUEL Fall Ball at Macaluso’s in Hawthorne. FUEL is St. Joseph’s group for Catholic adults, ages 21-35. (September 2024)
Brandon, Nathalie and Charles Beltran, Danielle Gherardi, and Joe, the core FUEL team

Council President Carnevale laid a wreath with the Police Chief (Sept. 2024)
Father Christian gave the invocation at Oradell’s 9/11 Remembrance Service. He is pictured here with Councilman Tashjian, Mayor Koth, Councilman Gullo, and Council President Steve Carnevale. (Sept. 2024)
Major Eric Shuler (ret.), who is a parishioner, spoke at the 9/11 service in Oradell (Sept. 2024)

The students and staff of SJS prayed for all the victims of 9/11 and attended Morning Mass with the SJC parishioners. The students wore red, white, and blue to honor those who lost their lives in the attacks on September 11, 2001. (Sept. 2024)
The SJS PTO welcomed students back to school with an ice cream sundae bar. (Sept. 2024)
Fr. Christian blessed each classroom in the Lower and Upper Schools. We pray that the Holy Spirit provides wisdom and guidance to all who enter St. Joseph School. (Sept. 2024)

The Legion of Mary and friends celebrating our Blessed Mother’s Birthday (Sept. 2024)
Celebrating our Blessed Mother’s Birthday at the Sunday Coffee Hour (Sept. 2024)

SJ Youth group shopped for Saint Joseph Care Corner, which collects items not covered by food stamps for area organizations that serve those in need. (July 2024)
SJ Youth group was able to purchase so many essential household and personal care items with the funds collected from SJ parishioners! (July 2024)
The Youth group enjoyed tossing water balloons (July 2024)

The Youth Ministry collected much-needed items for SJCC (July 2024)

The Legion of Mary visited the Mother Cabrini shrine in NYC (June 2024)
Maggie Jannicelli and Olivia McKelvey of Girl Scout Troop 6950 in Oradell organized a town-wide collection of items to benefit the Saint Joseph Care Corner. Many personal care items were collected to help those in need. (Sept. 2024)
FUEL (Young Adult Ministry) cooked for Harrison House in Paramus and for the CFR sisters in Harlem. (June 2024)
FUEL also prepared 55 snack bags for the children in Harlem attending camp with the CFR sisters. (June 2024)
FUEL baked delicious cookies for Harrison House in Paramus and for the CFR sisters in Harlem. (June 2024)

Eagle Scout project to benefit New Hope PRC (June 2024)
For his Eagle Scout Project, Gerard Palazzo ran a very successful collection of items and funds to help New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center. He is pictured here with Barbara Mezzena. Barbara is the Director of Hew Hope and also a long-time SJ parishioner! (June 2024)
Youth Ministry collected many items for Gerard Palazzo’s Eagle Scout Project to help New Hope Pregnancy Resource center. (June 2024)

Youth Ministry Hike (June 2024)
Youth Ministry Hike to Oradell Reservoir (June 2024)
Youth Ministry Hike (June 2024)

The RCIA Team (Fr. Christian, Melinda Rabbia, Fred Fakharzadeh) is pictured here celebrating a beautiful RCIA journey this past year with Francisco Casado, his sponsor Mike Kirwan, and Elisha Kiliko Mutinda. (June 2024)

The Choir hosted a Coffee Hour (June 2024)

Monroe Quinn, our Music Director
One of the Altars in the Corpus Christi Procession
The Youth Ministry hosted an altar at the Corpus Christi Procession

Corpus Christi (June 2024)

Corpus Christi (June 2024)
Corpus Christi Procession (June 2024)
Corpus Christi (June 2024)
Fr. John at the Corpus Christi Procession (June 2024)
St. Lydia Society hosted one of the altars

Fr. Christian led prayer at the Oradell Memorial Day service (May 2024)

Dave Solinas and Eric Shuler laid a wreath for Dave’s son (Memorial Day 2024)
Parishioner (and Oradell Mayor) Jim Koth on Memorial Day
Ret. Major Eric Shuler (usher at St. Joe’s) spoke at the Memorial Day service in Oradell

The Children’s Choir (here with Cantor Josephine Peacock) is on summer break and will return in September to sing at the 9am Mass on the first Sunday of the month (May 2024)
Adult Choir (10:30 Mass) is on summer break and will return in September (May 2024)
IHA students collected a large amount of much-needed toiletries to help stock the Saint Joseph Care Corner.  (May 2024)
Mike and Jan Burns recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a nuptial blessing by Cardinal Tobin at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Mike has been an active parishioner of Saint Joseph’s for the past 78 years, and his wife, Jan, has been a lector and a member of the shawl ministry for many years. What a wonderful blessing they have been for our parish, and we are grateful for them sharing their time, talents and treasure in the service of our Lord (May 2024)
Bible Study year-end brunch (May 2024)
Dr. Fred Fakharzadeh who serves in many ministries in our parish gave a very informative presentation on Catholic Social Teaching (May 2024)

Fr John gave an anniversary blessing to Kurt and Pat Strobach for their 45th wedding anniversary (May 2024)
The Society of St. Lydia organized a rosary-making event in the parish life center (May 2024)

Francisco Casado was confirmed by Father Christian. He is pictured here with his wife Rosa, their two sons, and his sponsor Mike Kirwan. (May 2024)
Francisco Casado and Elisha Kiliko Mutinda are surrounded by family, their sponsors Mike Kirwan and Fred Fakharzadeh, RCIA Director Melinda Rabbia, and Father Christian and Father John. (May 2024)
Elisha Kiliko Mutinda was received into the Catholic faith. He received his First Holy Communion and was confirmed in the faith by Father Christian. He is pictured here with his family, his sponsor Fred Fakharzadeh, RCIA Director Melinda Rabbia, Father John, and Deacon George. (May 2024)

St. Joseph’s held an enjoyable Wine and Bourbon Tasting Fundraising event in the Parish Life Center on Grove Street (Apr. 2024)

The Children’s Choir sang beautifully after the May Crowning of Mary (May 2024)
Children who received First Holy Communion with Sacraments Coordinator Arlene Kennedy, Deacon George, and Father Christian (May 2024)
Crowning of Mary, by children who received their First Holy Communion, sponsored by the Legion of Mary (May 2024)

CYO Honorees Kerrie Brennan and Quinn Brennan at the CYO recognition Ceremony and Prayer Service (Apr. 2024)
CYO Recognition Ceremony and Prayer Service was held at the cathedral in Newark to honor two special 8th grade athletes and one adult volunteer from each program who exemplify sportsmanship, hard work, and dedication to the values of CYO and the Catholic faith. This year, St. Joseph’s honorees were Riley Martucci, Quinn Brennan, and Kerrie Brennan. Congratulations! (Apr. 2024)
The staff and clients at Kessler Rehabilitation Center in Paramus conducted a drive to benefit the St Joseph Care Corner. The SJCC also accepts donations of non-perishable items such as diapers, wipes, laundry detergent, paper & cleaning supplies, and all toiletries in the bin marked SJCC on Grand Street. (April 2024)
Youth Minister Ellen Solinas invited Sr. Martha Immaculate to give an inspirational talk about vocations to the SJ Youth Ministry. (Apr. 2024)

Congratulations to Diego Salcedo, who just completed his Sacraments of Initiation with Confirmation. With Diego in the two photos are his parents and sister, his sponsor Fred Fakharzadeh, Bishop Saporito, and Fr. Christian. Welcome and blessings to Diego! (April 2024)

Diego Salcedo received his First Holy Communion on Divine Marcy Sunday.  He is pictured here with Father Christian, the RCIA Team (Melinda Rabbia and Fred Fakharzadeh), and his family.  (Apr. 2024)
Fr. John by the empty tomb (Mar. 2024)
Eric Shuler (usher) with Fr. John
Eric Shuler (usher) with Fr. Christian
Fr. John
Holy Saturday, prior to Easter Vigil Mass
Tomb as created by Father John and his talented team (Good Friday 2024)

12 Parishioners participated in Washing of the Feet by Fr. Christian and Fr. John at the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday (Mar. 2024)
St Joseph’s Youth Ministry presented a moving Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday for the parish (Mar. 2024)
The reception of the Holy Oils (Oil of the Catechumens, Oil of the Sick, and Holy Chrism) blessed at the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Basilica in Newark
Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday (Mar. 2024)
Procession for the Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament at conclusion of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday (Mar. 2024)
Holy Thursday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the Mass on Holy Thursday
Academy of the Holy Angels recently ran a drive to collect diapers, wipes, and detergent for the Saint Joseph Care Corner. (See photo above). In addition, Oradell Girl Scout Troop 95586 conducted a drive to collect feminine hygiene products. (not shown) The items collected by SJCC are not eligible for purchase with food stamps.  (Apr, 2024)
Congratulations to our Sacristan, Tom Moran and his wife Elaine, who celebrated their 50th Wedding
Anniversary (Mar. 2024)

Palm Sunday Food Drive Volunteers Tom Moran and Jeff Braun with Peg Kohli, who runs the SJ Care Corner (which collects hygiene and household projects). (Mar. 2024)
SJ Volunteers Jeff Braun, David Bednarcik, Tom Moran, Felecia Braun, and Mary Frances Bednarcik (Mar. 2024)
Donations at our Palm Sunday food drive were appreciated by the food pantries at the Church of the Ascension (New Milford) and the Fr. English food pantry (Paterson).
Ascension food pantry volunteers (Mar. 2024)

Our parish celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and St. Joseph’s Day on Sunday 3/17; here is a photo of parishioners continuing to celebrate our parish patron saint on St. Joseph’s day with some Sfingi di San Giuseppe! (Mar. 2024)
SJS fosters Marian devotion in elementary school students through its after-school Children’s Rosary Club. Legion of Mary members Patricia Fakharzadeh (R.) and Veronica Ocello (L.) lead the club every Wednesday. (Ash Wednesday – Feb. 2024)
SJS Bake Sake (Mar. 2024)
St Joe’s CYO won the 3rd/4th Grade Boys- American Division Basketball Championship (Mar. 2024)

Array of Hope and the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal provided a 3-night encounter with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at our parish. (Feb. 2024)
The nights include talks, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, music provided by Array of Hope Music, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St. Joseph Church
Dr. David Hadjuk spoke of Jesus’ saving mission of healing at the mission
Fr. Christian at the Lenten mission
This Eucharist-based Lenten mission helps us prepare for the Eucharistic Revival this year
Fr. Luke (CFR) and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the Lenten mission
Approaching Jesus in the Eucharist for Adoration at the Lenten Mission

Our candidates were invited to the cathedral in Newark for a special rite (Feb. 2024)
Melinda Rabbia (RCIA Director), Francisco Casado (Candidate for Confirmation), Elisha Kiliko Mutinda (Candidate for Eucharist and Confirmation), and Fred Fakharzadeh (Sponsor and Catechist)
Cardinal Tobin presided at the Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion
Elisha with his sponsor Fred

Confirmation retreat #2 (Feb. 2024)
Coffee Hour (Feb. 2024)
Coffee Hour (Feb. 2024)
Janice Schneider (R) has been coordinating confirmation retreats for many years
Janice Schneider with our Sacraments Coordinator Arlene Kennedy and Fr. Christian
Coffee Hour (Feb. 2024)
Confirmation Retreat #1 (Feb. 2024)
Coffee Hour (Feb. 2024)
Coffee Hour (Feb. 2024)

To view photos from 2023, click Community 2023

To view photos from 2021-2022, click Community 2021-2022